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Are ePM2,5 and ePM10 filters good enough to prevent viruses such as COVID-19?
Is it a good idea to upgrade filters in a virus outbreak?
Camfil Face mask test set up
5. Är ePM2,5- eller ePM10-filter tillräckliga filterklasser för att hindra virus?
Can viruses captured in the air filter be released back into the air stream?
Is there something else I can do to further improve the air quality?
Important General Information regarding COVID-19
COVID-19 and the Built Environment
Webinar: ISO 16890 - The Global Air Filtration Standard
Do I need to change out my filters after a virus outbreak?
Can I do something fast to mitigate airborne spread in my building?
“Remobilisation of Workplace Environments: Air Quality Recommendations” - Alan Sweeney (Camfil)